We aim to periodically share with you updates which you will hopefully find useful.
Don't leave it too late - start gathering your information in good time!
We cannot guarantee your return will be submitted in time for the 31st January deadline if you present us with your information later than 31st October.
HMRC can charge penalties and interest when tax returns are submitted late.
Do I need to submit a tax return?
If HMRC have sent you a "Notice to Complete a Return" then most likely, yes. You might also need to register for Self Assessment, or even send in an 'unsolicited' tax return. If you aren't sure, contact us and we will be happy to help.
What do I need to provide you with?
That depends on your circumstances, and in most cases you'll have already received our questionnaire which should help you cover everything.
In short though:
If you aren't sure about anything, please do get in touch!